About Me

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I teach Kindergarten at a non-profit for at-risk and low-income kids. It can be the worst job and the best job, sometimes at the same time. It is also All-day (7am-6pm) and year round. No summer vacay for me. I love crafting but rarely have the time due to the demands of graduate school, a full time job and the rest of life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Giveaway! Expo Markers at The Teaching Thief

The Teaching Thief is having a giveaway of a huge pack of expo markers. I never get to buy those huge packs because of the price... but I always stand there eyeballing them and hoping a pack will just show up from the Expo Fairy... right, sometimes I live in a fantasy world!


  1. Thanks for blogging about my giveaway! Maybe the expo fairy will choose you. :) ~Amanda @ The Teaching Thief

  2. Hi Amy! This is Anne over at Pediatric OT Tips. You won my book giveaway! Congrats :) Please message me on Facebook so I can get your address. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Anne-Zachry/186134168131939?\
