About Me

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I teach Kindergarten at a non-profit for at-risk and low-income kids. It can be the worst job and the best job, sometimes at the same time. It is also All-day (7am-6pm) and year round. No summer vacay for me. I love crafting but rarely have the time due to the demands of graduate school, a full time job and the rest of life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Giveway, Blogging in the nick of time, Teacher Blog I Follow

There is a CRAZY COOL multi-giveaway

Mrs Albanese's Class

I just found the blog and am super psyched to check more of it out... stayed tuned for more info... (I had to post this before midnight!)


Here are some posts I like

Center vs Centre (I wonder how long of reading it before I noticed? Reminds me of the printout that was circulating a few years ago about as long as all the letters are there your brain can read it because do not read letters independently)

Word Posters (I wish we could talk about/celebrate holidays, but in my school we do not for many reasons)

Check out her blog!

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