We had a life size human cutout (from really thick foam board) from when we studied the human body. As we learned about something, we would add it to the body. So it had two brown paper lunch bags for lungs, cash register tape for intestines, etc. The kids had named it "Coco Pretzel" and she had red curly hair, courtesy of my Ms. Frizzle wig. The children decided that we would make her into a mummy. We had a book that detailed the steps, so we removed her hair, removed her organs (but not the heart!!!)
and wrapped her according to diagrams with toilet paper. The children had to interpret the diagrams, work together and problem solve. It was really cute. We then placed her in the sarcophagus and decorated it, including her name in hieroglyphics!
I do not remember history and anatomy every being this much fun!
MA DOE Curriculum Standards
K.L.1.1: By the end of grade 2, students will follow agreed-upon rules for discussion
Science and Technology/Engineering: Skills of Inquiry
1. By the end of grade 2, students will be able to ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in the environment.
1.3: By the end of grade 2, students will identify and describe safe and proper use of tools and materials (e.g., glue, scissors, tape, ruler, paper, toothpicks, straws, spools) to construct simple structures.
History and Social Science: Concepts and Skills:History and Geography
K.1: Identify sequential actions, such as first, next, last, in stories and use them to describe personal experiences.
K.2: Use correctly words and phrases related to chronology and time
1.1: By the end of grade 5, students will name the external and internal parts of the body and body systems (nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and excretory systems).
Arts:Visual Arts:Methods, Materials, and Techniques